Saturday, December 5, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Well it's over....Countless train rides, 15 credit hours of class, 12 flights, 10 countries, and 3 months later, I am finally back at home. It has been quite a that I will NEVER forget. Thank you for all the messages, letters, and most importantly prayers. They all helped me get through and return safely back home. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm on Christmas Break!

No more finals!!! Today at precisely 9:30 a.m. I officially started my Christmas break. Now that's a good feeling. Monday we had our two big finals....Humanities and German. They were't as scary as we thought, but we will just have to wait and see how I did. Today was our German oral final. Again, not as bad as it could have been. After German, our teachers took us to the Kunsthall Museum. There is a 1989 Berlin Wall display there, so they wanted us to get to see one last thing while we were in Vienna. All in all, I fell pretty good about my tests, but the important thing is that I COME HOME IN TWO DAYS! I am even already done packing! I can't believe this experience is almost over. It has literally been life changing. I have made so many friends, experienced so many different things, and learned a lot about myself along the way. I know I will carry the things I have seen and done here for the rest of my life. I will definitely miss Vienna, but I am ready to come back home. All that's left now is to weigh my bags and make sure they don't weight more than 50 pounds....2 days!!