Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More studying...

Well after all the excitement of last weekend, I was looking forward to finally being back in Vienna and relaxing a little. Wrong. I spent my entire Monday afternoon cramming for another German quiz (which I didn't do so hot on by the way). I took a break and went out to dinner at Vapianos for Kat's birthday! That seems to be the new favorite restaurant of choice.

Today was another fun-filled day locked in my room all night studying. We conveniently had a 8.5 hour class today, so that didn't help much either. For CIVA we went and visited four different churches to compare and contrast the buildings. First, we went back to the very traditional and elaborate Stephansdome. Next, we travelled out to the industrial district of Vienna to Denau Citykirche. It is an extremely modern Catholic church shaped like a box and made out of metal. The inside is lit with only natural light through dozens of round windows in the walls. We then went to a the International Baptist Church of Vienna. Although it was very small and sort of old school, we all immediately felt more comfortable here because it was more of what we were used to. Our last church took us way out to the outskirts of the city. The Wortrubakircke is a Catholic church set on top of a hill surrounded by woods. If you walk through the trees a little ways you are on top of a hill that overlooks the entire Vienna Woods and hills. The church itself looks like a concrete jenga game. It was very interesting to get to see how the setting of a service can drastically affect its mood.

I must now get back to studying Humanities, and I am super excited about it. Shout out to Nana and Papa for sending me a Halloween card! I loved it! Mail always makes my day :)

Oh yeah..I'm leaving for a 10 day trip to the UK in two days...oh my.

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