Thursday, October 15, 2009

Winter has arrived!

It is freezing!
I can't believe I was wearing a skirt and t-shirt last week because Vienna has been in the thirties this week! A few of us were not feeling too well after an exhausting week last in Italy and the sudden weather change, and that is why I spent my Monday afternoon sleeping.
To save room in my luggage I didn't bring a coat, so Tuesday after lunch at Vapiano I had to go buy one because it is getting so cold! Tuesday night we had a night in together. We ordered pizzas and watched the Sound of Music to prepare for the tour this weekend. Wednesday after class we did a couple Vienna visits for the week. We stayed around the Hofburg Palace and saw the stables for the horses of the Winter Riding School and another small palace. We also visited one of my all time favortie places in Vienna, the Pruksaal of the Austrian National Library. Have the ever seen the library in Beauty and Beast? It is the one where the walls are lined with bookshelves from floor to ceiling and has rolling ladders to reach the top. The Pruksaal looks exactly like that. It is the largest Baroque library in Vienna. I can't wait to go back soon to study. That night we had our weekly devotional which is always much needed.

TODAY IT WAS SNOWING! I have never in my life seen snow in the middle of October. We had Humanities class in the art museum again, so that is always fun. Right now I am packing for Paris!! I can't believe I will wake up in France tomorrow! We will be there the entire weekend but are stopping in Salzburg on the way back home Sunday for the Sounds of Music tour. I will keep you updated as always!

I will love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. - Psalm 18:1-2

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