Monday, November 16, 2009


I love Barcelona! I thought I would just start off with that...

Last week Macy's and Jordan's families came to visit, so it was great getting to be around them and eat dinner a couple nights. I spent the afternoons doing MORE WORK! We have a big research paper coming up, so we have all been super busy. Some people even stayed home this weekend to catch up.

Thursday Kat, Jordan, Kirk, Andy, and myself jumped on a plane to Spain! I can't believe I just spent the weekend in was wonderful. We explored as soon as we got there and had dinner at La Xerinolas where I had my first paella (so good). On the way to our hostel, we walked by a dunkin' donuts! We, or at least I, was flipping out to sat the least. I believe I had 6 Boston Creme donuts in the span of 2 days...I know I know....We woke up Friday morning and had a private bike tour through the city. It was not easy let me tell you. I think we some how ended up in the advanced bike tour group. She had us weaving through traffic and people, and up hills and through side was challenging! We got to see all the major sections of Barcelona and even had free time to run around on the beach. After that, we ate lunch at an open air market where you could find practically ANYTHING...Any fruit and vegetable, chocolate, pasta, bread, sheeps name it. We shopped around a little bit in the afternoon and went to the Magic Fountain later that night to watch the light show, which was like a mini Fantasmic. We had great dinner and great converstation later at Rita Blue.

Saturday we stopped for breakfast at you guessed it...Dunkin'...then went wandering around Barcelona. We saw the FC Barcelona stadium and the '92 Olympic Stadium and Village. We shopped at some markets down by the ports and stopped for lunch at a great outdoor cafe where we had awesome burritos and chips and salsa. We spent a good part of the afternoon and evening just hanging out on the beach talking before turning in for the night. Sunday we flew back to Vienna where our vacation from the research paper came to an end. Barcelona was a beautiful and relaxing city, so it was nice to get to hang out with no worries for a few days. I also enjoyed getting to know some of the guys on the trip that I had not spent much time with before. We had a great group and had a lot of fun together.

Today and tomorrow I will be trying desperately to finish this paper because my next few nights are busy with fun!

(Oh yeah--Rhett is coming in 6 days!! I am freaking out if you couldn't tell yet.)

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