Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Germany this weekend!

After a wonder but exausting fall break, we arrived back in Vienna to 3 papers and a book review...welcome home. Monday I went to two more site visits for my research paper, the Sisi Museum and the Imperial Apartments in the Hofburg. Both were very helpful, but I had to run through them quickly in order to get back and start on all my papers. Since they were due Tuesday at midnight, I finished two of them and saved the other two for then next day. Before bed I skyped Rhett to say goodnight and got THE BEST NEWS OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. Are you ready for this??.....HE IS COMING TO VISIT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What?! I was literally speechless with surprise. Apparently this has been planned since I left for Vienna, and I never knew. Needless to say I am ridiculously anxious. My best friend is coming to Vienna in 17 days! I can't believe it!

Tuesday I took my allotted once a week nap and wrote some more papers. We had a study session with pizza to finish all our work together. Wednesday guess what I did??......Oh yeah wrote another paper! There seems to be a trend going....I did get some much needed laundry done also. Today I get to write just one more paper...just one more! For this week anyways. I don't leave for weekend travel until tomorrow morning instead of tonight.

This weekend I am going to Salzburg and Munich. The plan is to go on the Sound of Music Tour tomorrow in Salzburg and then head to Munich. Here were want to see "Cinderella's Castle," Dakau, and Possenhoffen Castle, Sisi's childhood home and my final site visit. I will let you know how it goes!

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