Monday, November 23, 2009


Thursday night we took an overnight train to Chinqueterra, Italy. When we got there, we realized we had to do some hiking and were not very prepared for it. The pictures will tell it all...I had some pretty killer shoes on. Besides that little set back, Chinqueterra is BEAUTIFUL! I know I say this every week, but again, the most beautiful place on earth...We hiked along the Mediterranean coastline from one little town to the next. After having pasta at a restaurant on the beach, we explored the town and hung out by the ocean for a little bit. All in all, it was a very relaxing afternoon before we had to catch our train to Venice.

We arrived in Venice late, so we went stright to bed when we got there. Saturday, we pretty much just hung out again in the city. We saw a famous Venetian glass-blowing factory, ate more pasta, and I even rode in a gondola! Venice is a very interesting town. Their streets literally are made of water, and they have boats instad of cars. Some of the hotels are only accessible by water! It was a great place to just explore and shop. Saturday night, we got on another night train to head back to Vienna.

After hardly sleeping from excitement on the train, Rhett called me to let me know he was in Paris!...and he was about to have to sprint to catch his next plane. Well that made me nervous...the next call was not as good as the first. Since the first plane was delayed, he missed the next one, but he was able to get on another flight later in the day....5 hours later. Well if the weekend hadn't gone by slow enough, those next five hours sure did! LONGEST DAY OF MY LIFE. Finally, at 3:30 he called to tell me he had landed in Vienna! I was already waiting at the airport for him (freaking out). Fifteen minutes later, I got to hug my best friend after three months! (Awww) I CAN'T BELIEVE HE IS IN VIENNA!

We went to dinner at my favorite restaurant here in Vienna, Vapianos, and then walked around the Christmas Market at Rathaus. Rhett loved both.

Today after class, I took him around town. We ate at Cafe Central, saw the Hofburg Palace, went through the Museum of Natural History, and then wandered through Stephansplatz. We then grabbed dinner at another Christmas Market at the Belvedere Palace...a lot for one day, but it was so much fun! I am a very lucky girl thats for sure.

We've got a busy week of sight-seeing ahead!

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