Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another amazing two days!

Well I have had yet another two amazing days here in Wien! Saturday I went with a group to Millenium City to check out the malls here. It was pretty much your typical American mall except the German everywhere. That afternoon we saw another beautiful palace. This one was called the Belvedere and was given to a general as a gift from the king! Can you imagine getting a palace as a gift? It was amazing. That night we went to an amusement park. It was just like an American fair, sketchy pop-up rides included. Apparently, Austria doesn't have very strict safety regulations, so riding rides was out for me. I still had a great time though! It was very funny listening to American pop and rock music at a foreign country's park. They sure do love our music!

Sunday was also a very productive day. We woke up and went to high mass at Stephansdome. It was quite and experience! It lasted two hours,was completely in German, and there was a lot of up down up down. The choir was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my life though. Between the German lyrics, the aucostics of the church and their voices, it was unbelievable. Although the service was new and strange to me, it made me extremely curious about their customs and practices and why they do what they do at church. A very traditional high mass is something everyone should see once in their life. After lunch we headed by bus up a mountain that overlooks the entire city. It was breathtaking! After that, we hiked down the mountain past fields of vineyards! At the bottom of the hill was this little neighborhood that was definitely the epitome of what I thought Europe looked like. The cobblestone roads, cute little houses, and beautiful flowers everywhere were a perfect picture. Dinner at our local Mexican restaurant topped off the night. I'm off to bed early because we start school at a ridiculous hour in the morning. Yikes. I'm a little nervous.

Sweet dreams!

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