Sunday, September 27, 2009

Relaxing weekend in Vienna.

Well my first weekend free in Vienna is officially over. Every other weekend I will be out touring Europe until the weekend before I come home! Saturday I got to SLEEP IN! It was wonderful and much needed. When I woke up, I went with some of the girls to Pickwick's, the English Cafe we found the other day. There they have "normal" food, and the music selection is awesome! It's good to have a little taste of home every now and then. After spending a few hours there journaling, we went back to the hotel to get ready for the opera. We went to the Volksopera and saw Mozart's "Magic Flute." Not my favorite I must say...I don't even know if I would have liked it in English. The plot was not very intersting, and the set and costuming wasn't fun to look at, but of course the music was good.

This morning we went to high mass at Augustinekirche, where many of the Hapsburgs were married. This church is known for its music because they do their whole service by composers like Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven with a full orchestra and chorus. Our service this morning was done in Puccini's "Messi di Gloria." It felt more like a concert to me than worship, but at least the music kept my attention. After church it was off to the washeteria for some much needed landry. Figuring out how to work the machines was an adventure in itself, but it eventually got done. This evening, we had a devotional to take Communion. It's always great to get to get together after a weekend of not seeing everyone. ITALY IN 5 DAYS!

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