Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What a great weekend!

I had such a great weekend! On Friday after class I went to the Vienna Roman Museum. The museum is built on top of these ancient Roman ruins that were found underneath the city. The ruins are of two tribunal houses from an ancient military camp. Everytime I see things like this up close and personal I can't help but think about who had walked and lived on the very floors I was looking at and what was their life like? The most intersting part of the houses still in tact was the heating structure. Underneath the floors there would be a hollow chamber that was filled with heat from at fire at the entrance. This would heat every room of the house. Hundreds of ancient artifacts that were found are also on display. I continue to be reminded every day just how smart and productive these ancient civilizations were.

Saturday and Sunday I was in Prague! That city is so beautiful! It is definitely the essence of European architecture. After a four hour bus ride, we were free to explore! I ate lunch at a cute little cafe right on the streets and paid twenty dollars for a cheeseburger! Trying to keep Czech rounds, Euros, and American dollars separate in my head apparently comes as a challenge to me. I learned my lesson though. While walking back to the bus to leave, we walked throught this ridiculoulsy loud "Anarchy Rave" in the square. Young people dressed up in crazy costumes and rocked out to techno music playing from dozens of vans. It was the shadiest thing I have ever seen in my life but was still interesting to get to see. After hours of eating and shopping it was off to the hotel. The hotel we stayed in had a bowling alley and casino in the basement. I had never heard of such a thing! You have to pay for everything in Europe (even the bathroom) so I spent the night playing cards in the room instead.
Sunday morning we got up early for our official tour of Prague. Our tour guide showed us around Prague Palace, Charles Bridge, and the Old Town Square. Prague was a beautiful and wonderful experience! On the way home we took a "bathroom break" at Excaliber City. It was probably one of the most unusual things I have done on this trip to date. Excaliber City is right on the border of the Czech Republic and Austria and was kind of like a state fair...but dragon themed. It was awesome. We had time for a few rides and games until we had to be back on the bus.

Monday night after a very long nap, I went to the New World Ballet at the Vienna Opera House. I payed 4 euro to see a ballet! Even though I had to stand, it was fabulous. I discovered that dance is probably my favorite form of art. I just love the movement in it instead of static and lifeless paintings and statues even if they are beautiful. One very intersting thing about the show was the last piece of choreography. It was humorous and slightly ridiculous. I have never seen a ballet that wasn't technical and classical, so that was refreshing.

Today nothing exciting happened, besides the fact that I woke up in Vienna. It is Cari's birthday, so we are going out to dinner to celebrate! We will see what this week has to offer!


1 comment:

  1. Nana and Paw Paw are here and wanted me to send you a message.
    Paw Paw says, "Remember the words of wisdom I told you? I Love You!"
    Nana says, "I enjoyed reading about your adventures. Sounds like you're eating your way across Europe. Ha! Don't eat too many twenty dollar hamburgers. Be careful, have fun, learn lots. I Love You!
