Friday, September 25, 2009

It's the weekend already!?

Wow this week FLEW by! I feel like I was just in Prague...I have a feeling this entire trip is going to feel that way...Well let's see what did I do this week...Wednesday was a very relaxed day. After class I had a wonderful afternoon of shopping with the girls and Mexican for dinner. We have this great place right by the hotel that we go to often.
Thursday was a little more productive. We had Christiany in the Visual Arts class at the Schatzkammer Museum. That is always a good day. We saw some very intersting things related to the class including one of the three veils of Veronica, the Imperial Crown, Imperial Cross, and Imperial Lance. They are much cooler to see once you know what they actually are. There was also a tooth from John on display and a piece of the real cross! Gasp! Those Catholics...crazy fellows. After class I spent the afternoon at the Augarten. It used to be a palace and is now home to the famous Vienna Boys' Choir and has the oldest Baroque garden in Vienna. Pretty sweet. The park would be nearly perfect if it weren't for two distracting obtrusions that dominate the landscape there. Two huge and ugly Nazi flakturms or watch towers still stand in the park. The Viennese can't tear them down without destroying everything around them, so there they sit. Looking at them honestly put a knot in my stomach.

Today's outing was ridiculous! We have a list of "Vienna Visits" we have to do every week in order to get out and see the city. Well, Jordan, Macy, and I decided to get as many done as possible. Three and a half hours later we had been to six Gothic churches around the city and the Parliament building. What an exhausting really was fun though! Wandering through the streets of Vienna has been one of my favorite things to do here. You never know what you're going to run into! Today we found a British Cafe that has an English movie rental store in the basement. Very useful...tonight we went to dinner at a local cafe as a group to catch up with the adults on the trip. After that we had a devo...that lasted almost three hours...Like I said I am with an amazing group of people who are full of awesome advice and who just love to talk about God. I am very lucky. This weekend will just be a relaxing one in Vienna before all the crazy travelling starts.

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
-Matthew 17:20

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