Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Study, study, study...

What a busy week with school! There are always journals to be done...the first CVA test, and the first German quiz! Yikes. Studying didn't leave too much room for fun things this week. Monday was my first attempt at trying to study. I went to Oberlaa, which is officially my favorite park in Vienna so far. It is very secluded away from all the busy roads and stores and is completely surrounded by trees. It is the only park I have been to so far where you can find a quiet place and not even see another person for hours. It looks more like the parks at home than any other and is full of mostly older couples strolling through (so cute!).
Tuesday night for dinner, a group of us went to Vapiano, this make your own pasta place. It was the best meal I have had here to date. After that, more studying...Like I said, not too much time for fun when there is a lot to be done for class.

Today we had Humantities class at the KHM. We looked at several works from the Renaissance including a whole room full of Titian and a couple Raphael's. I am so lucky to get to see what it is I'm studying in person instead of just images in a book. After that, a group of us when to Pickwick's for lunch and to "study." We got a few things done in between our outbursts of completely random conversation.

More studying is in my future for the next couple of days but after that....ITALY!! 3 days!

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