Tuesday, September 15, 2009

School has started...

Well, Monday school started and man was it early! My new schedule is waking up at 6:30, breakfast at 7:10, and starting the journey to the institute at 7:30. We start off every day with a short devo, then German class is first. Our teacher is hilarious! He keeps us on our toes though because he will call on us randomly to repeat or read things. I am on the front row! Bad idea...but at least it keeps me awake. After that, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for these first few weeks we have Humanities, and Tuesdays and Thursdays we have Christianity in the Visual Arts. Class gets out at 12 then its off to lunch!

Monday after class we went and visited a few parks around town. Stadtpark has a pond surrounded by running trails. These trails are dotted with statues of some of Vienna's most beloved artists and musicians. We sketched for a little bit then headed to Volksgarten. Volksgarten is the park surrounding the National Library and the Museum of Natural History. My favorite part was the statue of Queen Elizabeth surrounded by roses. She is the topic of my research paper, so we will be getting very close.

Today I went to class as usual then went to the Nashmarkt for lunch where I have a chicken kebob sandwich. It was tasty! The guy at the counter even showed us a magic trick! He had two euros in one hand and one in the other...he clapped his hand face down on the counter, and when he brought them back up, all three euros were in the other hand. I still don't know how he did it. For dinner we went to Cafe Chatanooga to have a little taste of home then chocolate gelato for dessert. The gelato here will be the death of me.

Tomorrow for class we are going to the Museum of Natural History to see the Venus of Williandorf, the oldest piece of art know to man...then the Kunshistorsches. It' going to be great!

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